Posted on - Instrumenting self-hosted Next.js

I spend a lot of time working with various front-end architectures, so when I came to Honeycomb my first question was “how do you instrument a meta-framework like Next.js or Remix?” After spending a few weeks digging into it, I came up with a good sample, and discovered some very interesting twists and turns in the typical path to instrumentation.

For example, you have both a client and a server here. How do you connect them both? How do traces propagate? If you’re using Next.js with Vercel hosting, there is a built-in Observability platform that streams telemetry to a Vercel collector. But what about when you’re on a self-hosted platform like Kubernetes or ECS? How do you send data to Honeycomb?

In my latest post as a Developer Advocate at, I discuss how to instrument self-hosted Next.js applications with OpenTelemetry and Frontend Observability. Read on