Ken Rimple on...

Ken Rimple

Self portrait

A software engineer who serves as a Senior Developer Relations Advocate at Honeycomb, an Observability Platform. I have over 35 years of experience in software development and have seen just about every wave of tech come and go. So I've got opinions.

My blogging presence is being rebuilt from scratch; I had gotten into a groove where I wrote a ton of articles on work sites and social media. I also published a lot of podcasts, spoke at a slew of conferences and so had my creative writing outlet on those sites.

Honeycomb Developer Relations Office Hours

You can reach me at Honeycomb for office hours if you need advice on the platform, guidance on wiring up telemetry, and other related questions. My focus is frontend framework centric, but I am a full-stack developer so I can help you with many of your concerns.

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